Pumpkin Spice Crunch Cake!

  • 1-29oz. can of Pumpkin (unsweetened)
  • 1 box of Spice Cake Mix
  • 1-8oz. bag of Toffee Bits
  • 1 container of Cream Cheese Frosting
  • 2-9×13 baking pans
  1. In a large bowl mix up the Cake batter according to the box directions. Now add in the Toffee Bits, making sure to reserve some (approx. 1/4 cup..or so) Toffee Bits for the top…
  2. Combine the Pumpkin and mix it well…
  3. Spray the baking pans with non-stick spray and fill each of them 1/2 to 3/4 of the way…depending on the depth of your pans.
  4. Bake both pans at 350 degrees for approx 45 minutes or until they’re cooked through.
  5. Let them cool.
  6. Frost them with the Cream Cheese Frosting and then top them with the reserved Toffee Bits…Dig into that baby and serve it up nice and warm-like…

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